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Be Connected

Increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. We empower our network of community partners to support older people through training, free resources and a multi million dollar grants program.

Free online learning

With our Be Connected partner eSafety, this program offers a big collection of online learning resources available for free.

Organisations in our network use this collection to help them run their digital skills programs. 

2 school students help an older woman on her laptop

Be Connected grants for community organisations

Our Be Connected grants help organisations run digital skills programs for over 50’s in their community. Ranging from $1,000 to $52,500, they can be used to:

  • Provide one on one or group digital skills training and support
  • Train digital mentors
  • Cover program admin costs eg room hire, catering, staff time, internet connections
  • Create digital device loan libraries

Several grants are regularly available through this program. Organisations must be a member of our network to apply.

Support to run your programs

We offer training, coaching and free resources to help community organisations run digital skills programs for over 50’s.