Pre-budget submission for 2024-25

Federal government investment in digital inclusion initiatives is essential. Here are our pre-budget 2024-25 recommendations that, if adopted, will ensure that no one will be left behind in our ever-evolving technological landscape.

With an ever increasing focus on the importance and impact of Australia’s rapidly evolving
technology landscape, investment in digital inclusion initiatives is essential to make sure
no one is left behind.

However, 1 in 4 Australians do not have the essential digital skills or affordable access to
digital devices they need to fully participate in today’s society.

Good Things Foundation’s key recommendations for funding in the 2024-25 Federal
Budget are:

1. Fund the expansion of the Be Connected program for over 50s to other priority groups, investing in tailored digital skills programs and digital media literacy training for adults aged 18-50.

2. Fund initiatives to ensure all Australians have access to affordable digital devices and data so they can fully participate in the digital world.

3. Fund initiatives to help people keep up with emerging technology and AI, to support people to keep improving their digital skills and navigate new technologies.

4. Fund the creation and implementation of a government-led national digital inclusion strategy so all Australians benefit from a coordinated approach.

To learn more about our 2024-25 Federal Budget recommendations, download our submission below.

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