How to manage your program learners using the my.goodthings system

Use this step-by-step guide to manage your program learners

When logged in on the my.goodthingsaustralia webiste, you can register learners who have participated in your digital inclusion programs. This is an important way that we ask you to acquit your grants with us, and help us measure the impact of your support and our programs.

There are two ways you can register learners – one by one or as a group.

Registering individual learners

This is a good way to register one or two new people you have supported. 

To register individual learners:

  1. Select the Organisation and Program
  2. Create learner records individually via the single record creation form
  3. Create a learner group
  4. Add learners to the learner group
  5. Add information on the activities the learners have completed either individually or to the entire learner group
  6. Save and continue these steps as needed

Registering groups of learners

This is a good way to register big groups of new people you have supported. To register multiple learners in one go, you can use our tool to upload a spreadsheet:

  1. Download our ‘Register learners in groups’ template spreadsheet
  2. Save the spreadsheet to your device and open it
  3. Enter your learners’ details, being careful not to change the column order or headers
  4. Save the spreadsheet then download it to your device as a .csv file
  5. Go to the learner records area and upload the spreadsheet.
  6. Select ‘Save’ to confirm.

More detailed instructions can be found under the upload learners using a spreadsheet area of this website.

Who can register learners?

Each person who has access to your network partner account has a ‘role’ which gives them permissions to do different activities. Learners can be registered by people who are Org Editors and Digital Mentors

Who should I not add?

Do not:

  • add people who have not participated in your digital skills program
  • add people who have not accepted our privacy policy.

What resources can help me with this?

We have a couple of resources that can help you register learners:

  • Program sign in sheets: print these out and ask your program participants to fill them in at the start of every session. Templates available in our Digital Mentor library
  • Webinars: Our how to webinars show you how to use our systems. Book in to a webinar to ask questions and get support
  • How to videos: Watch our how to videos to get step by step support using our systems
  • Contact us: For one on one support over the phone or by email