The internet is a great resource for health information if you know where to look and who to trust.
It’s important to know where to find reliable, up-to-date health information. You can research the latest government health advice using search engines, and find apps that support you to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
The internet has a lot of health information on it, but not all of it is trustworthy and it should never replace getting medical advice from your doctor or medical practitioner.

Online health information
Healthdirect ( is a national, government-funded service that helps Australians look after their health. They have really handy tools like a symptom checker that will ask you various questions about your illness and make suggestions as to what to do next. You can also use Healthdirect to find health services near you.
Top tip: Don’t panic. There’s a lot of information online and it can be easy to get overwhelmed.
The internet can be great if you’ve already had a diagnosis, but it shouldn’t replace seeing a doctor. Use the usual channels (your GP, a pharmacist or calling 000) if you’re concerned about your own health or someone else’s.
Top tip: When looking for health information, use the websites of organisations you trust.
A good rule of thumb is to use the websites of organisations you already know. Government-managed websites also contain reliable and up-to-date information (you can identify these as the web address, or URL, ends with Your GP should be able to point you towards trustworthy information online too.
Making healthy changes
Making small changes to your diet can dramatically improve your health and the internet’s a great place for ideas on making healthy changes.
Top tip: Healthy Weight Guide ( au) has lots of suggestions on eating healthy, with heaps of recipes and suggestions. There is also information on exercising too!
Stopping smoking is also great for your health, although it can be tricky. Your GP can give you support, but you can find more help online.
Top tip: The Quit Now website ( provides extra advice and motivation to help you quit.
Keep learning
The Be Connected and Good Things Learning websites have advice and beginners’ courses about using the internet to search for information such as health and wellbeing tips, and how to make sure these sites are reputable.
Visit and Learn digital skills to get started.