Digital Sisters extended til June 2026!

We are thrilled to announce the extension of the Digital Sisters program to continue supporting refugee and migrant women to feel safer and confident online.

This International Women’s Day we’re celebrating the re-funding of our Digital Sisters program, supporting refugee and migrant women to feel confident and safe online.

Managed by Good Things Australia and funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services, the Digital Sisters program has already made a big impact. With the support of 55 community organisations around the country, more than 2,000 refugee and migrant women have been learning essential digital skills, empowering them as they settle in Australia.

And the outcomes speak for themselves, with:

  • 96% of women telling us that their confidence to use technology has increased
  • 90% have increased their social connections
  • 87% have better access to devices, and
  • 68% have increased their online safety.

The extended program will enable our 55 community partners to continue training more digital mentors and directly support another 2,200 women across the country. Each participating organisation will receive a $10,500 grant (plus GST if applicable) to help with program planning and hiring bilingual digital mentors.

Digital Sisters: Empowering migrant and refugee women with digital skills

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